A unique
Founded in 1925, the EPF, formerly the École Polytechnique Féminine, was one of the first Grandes Écoles in France to train women as engineers. Since then, the school has continued to reinvent itself to train more than 12,000 innovative, daring and committed graduates in all sectors of industry and services.
Since its creation, the EPF has cultivated a spirit of openness that is a hallmark of its identity. It is first and foremost a school for women engineers created by a woman engineer, Marie-Louise PARIS. Called the IEF (Institut Électromécanique Féminin), it trained young women to become electromechanical engineers. It also had a short section, preparing for the positions of draftswoman or assistant engineer. In 1933, the IEF became the École Polytechnique Féminine (EPF) with the addition of an extra year of study (from two to three years) and a section in aeronautics.
Public recognition was gradually unanimous. In 1938, the EPF was authorized by the "Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs" to deliver the title of graduate engineer and in 1943 it was recognized by the State. In 1976, the school became a member of the "Conférence des Grandes Écoles". In 1993, it became a member of the UGEI (Union des Grandes Écoles Indépendantes) after obtaining the status of a foundation recognized as being of public utility in 1991.
Since 1994, the school is no longer reserved for women only, as men are now admitted. In spite of this, and thanks to its history and experience, EPF remains one of the schools with the highest percentage of girls (36%, twice the national average).
Undergraduate studies
EPF’s undergraduate programme, the General Engineering Course Cycle, offers a core curriculum that consolidates students’ fundamental scientific knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, mechanics, IT
Graduate studies
EPF Graduate School of Engineering offers 9 Master programmes (Majors) that may lead to the French engineering Master’s degree (Diplôme d’ingénieur) which is fully recognized by the official French Accreditation Board for Engineering (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur).
A school in full expansion
Initially located at the CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), the EPF moved in 1956 to accommodate its growing number of students. It was natural that it should move into the private home of its founder, Marie-Louise PARIS, in Sceaux.
The spirit of open mindedness and diversity that animates the school in Sceaux has not ceased to manifest itself in its development. Under the impetus of its current director, Jean-Michel Nicolle, and thanks to its reputation for excellence, it has established privileged contacts with regional and departmental institutions as well as with research centers. The school was thus able to open a campus in Troyes in 2010 and in Montpellier in 2012.
In January 2022, the EPF's Paris site moved to a new location in Cachan to support its development project, and in 2023, the school will open a new campus in Saint-Nazaire.
Message from the director
“For almost a century, EPF has been innovating to successfully train engineers capable of tackling the challenges of our time. Today, the issues of climate, energy, digital technology and public health, to name but a few, permeate all our training programs, from bac+3 to bac+8, to fully prepare our graduates to act as responsible men and women, as well as seasoned professionals.
Joining EPF means joining an engineering school whose courses are built not only on a broad spectrum of high-level scientific, technical and technological teaching, but also on the development of socio-economic, ecological, behavioral and multicultural skills. This global approach, reinforced by ongoing pedagogical innovation led by our pedagogical and digital innovation unit, places our students - the vast majority of whom are engineering students - at the heart of our concerns, with one ultimate goal: to provide them with the keys to success in building and realizing their professional projects.
Joining EPF also means joining a school that has made the diversity of life paths both an asset and an opportunity. We support your career plans with a wide choice of courses, while adapting our teaching methods to the diversity of experiences you'll have prior to joining the EPF: special courses for STI2D baccalaureates, apprenticeships, a staggered start to the academic year to enable you to switch to engineering studies during the year... Our various campuses in Paris-Cachan, Troyes, Montpellier and Saint-Nazaire, and our international campus in Dakar, enable us to offer everyone a wide range of possible student experiences.
So don't hesitate, join EPF, an engineering school of human excellence built on the values of innovation, boldness and commitment!”
Emmanuel Duflos, EPF General Manager

« Depuis bientôt un siècle l’EPF innove sans discontinuité pour former avec succès des ingénieures et des ingénieurs aptes à appréhender les défis de leur temps. Aujourd’hui, ce sont les enjeux climatiques, énergétiques, numériques ou encore de santé publique, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns, qui irriguent en profondeur toutes nos formations, du bac+3 au bac+8, pour préparer pleinement nos diplômés à agir en femmes et en hommes responsables, tout autant qu’en professionnels aguerris.
Rejoindre l’EPF, c’est ainsi rejoindre une école d’ingénieurs dont les formations sont construites, non seulement sur un spectre large d’enseignements scientifiques, techniques et technologiques de haut niveau, mais aussi sur le développement de compétences socio-économiques, écologiques, comportementales ou encore multiculturelles. Cette approche globale, renforcée par une innovation pédagogique permanente emmenée par notre cellule d’innovation pédagogique et numérique, place nos étudiantes et étudiants, dont une large majorité d’élèves-ingénieures et ingénieurs, au cœur de nos préoccupations, avec un objectif ultime : leurs fournir les clés du succès pour construire et réaliser leur projet professionnel.
Rejoindre l’EPF, c’est aussi rejoindre une école qui a fait de la diversité des parcours de vie autant une richesse, qu’une opportunité. Nous accompagnons votre projet professionnel grâce à un très large choix de formations, tout en adaptant nos pédagogies à la diversité des expériences vécues en amont de l’intégration à l’EPF : parcours spécifiques pour les bacs STI2D, formation par apprentissage, la rentrée décalée pour se réorienter vers des études d’ingénieurs en cours d'année… Nos différents campus en métropole de Paris-Cachan, Troyes, Montpellier, Saint-Nazaire et à l’international avec Dakar nous permettent d’offrir à chacun un large spectre d’expériences étudiantes possibles.
Alors n'hésitez plus, rejoignez l'EPF, une école d'ingénieurs à l'excellence humaine construite sur les valeurs d'innovation, d'audace et d'engagement ! »
Emmanuel Duflos, Directeur général de l'EPF