Major Sustainable Engineering & Architecture
The Sustainable Engineering & Architecture major will provide you with a core set of skills to meet the challenges of building sustainable cities and buildings, in light of the energy and digital transitions.
The learning objective of the major is to prepare generalist engineers capable of designing buildings and urban environments using new technologies in a creative way while incorporating sustainability considerations.
It is a multidisciplinary course that provides engineers with a global vision that includes cross-disciplinary skills: energy efficiency, building structures, comfort and urban planning, enabling the design of buildings and cities for a sustainable future in compliance with current regulations, while being in harmony with the environment and ensuring an optimal level of comfort.
Theoretical knowledge is complemented by training in the digital tools necessary for modelling buildings and cities.
The academic programme is designed to develop both soft and hard skills and is enhanced by real-life projects and work experience to achieve a profile of a responsible engineer with multiple
career opportunities.
Course description
The Major in Sustainable Engineering & Architecture spans two academic years structured around two academic semesters and two semesters of internships: a student-engineer internship in Year 4 and a 'final year project' internship in Year 5.
Compulsory modules :
- Urban planning
- Architecture
- Building structure
- Energy transition in the building sector
- Engineering knowledge
- Project
- Project : from architectural programming to the proposal of a digital model
Compulsory modules :
- Sustainable cities
- Digital transition & architecture
- Design & renovation according to Eurocode standards
- Building energetics
- Employability
- Project
- Building energy audit
- Calculation/ renovation of building structures
Real-world projects to develop your employability
In Years 4 and 5, the projects used to challenge our student-engineers will give you the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the semester in real-world situations on the topics of architectural programming and design, urban development, sustainable renovation and building energy audits.
You will carry out these projects in collaboration with engineering offices and local authorities.
Pratical details
Duration of studies : 2 years
Location : Troyes campus
Tuition fees for the 2025-2026 academic year: 9,880 € / year
35 students per year
Careers & job opportunities
- Leading construction groups
- Energy efficiency design offices
- Energy auditing and consulting firms
- Architectural planning offices
- Technical control offices
- Architecture and urban planning agencies
- Public or private research organisations in the energy, building and urban planning sector
- Local and regional authorities
- Architectural programming engineer
- BIM manager (Building Information Modeling)
- Planning, scheduling and coordination engineer
- Technical design manager : EEB (Energy Efficiency in Buildings) ans materials engineer
Technical design manager: Environmental Quality in Buildings and materials engineer
Project manager - Technical expert / Consulting engineer
- Certification project manager/ auditor
- Works manager